KiloNewton provides analytic software & engineering services to industry-leading WIND DEVELOPERS to determine site suitability, identify optimal site locations, and provide accurate energy assessments.

Our WindRose™ analytics service enables WIND DEVELOPERS to select the best locations for development and detect and avoid issues that can delay project permitting and destroy project economics.



  • SHADOW FLICKER ANALYSIS - Analysis of shadow flicker effects for the surrounding area and specific locations, which can include site-specific parameters such as vegetation, evaluation of specific house/building geometries, and cloud cover

  • SOUND ANALYSIS - Evaluation of sound impacts of wind projects on the surrounding area and specific locations, including assessment of changes in sound levels due to diurnal and seasonal weather patterns

  • LIGHTNING RISK ANALYSIS - Includes meteorological and terrain complexity assessments and long-term lightning strike risk analysis on a turbine-by-turbine basis

  • VISUAL IMPACT ANALYSIS - GIS-based analysis of visual impacts on regions or specific locations based on prospective turbine layouts and technology, terrain analysis, and vegetation


  • A preliminary screening analysis to aid in site determination and risks associated with project development, which can include the following:

    • SURFACE HYDROLOGY - Evaluation of surface hydrology resources and risks including flood zones, wetlands, preliminary erosion and deposition, and regulations

    • LAND USE - Catalog of land use, including ownership (public/private) and generalized current use activity including public and private roads and rail, primary and secondary structures, and agricultural/historical/cultural resources

    • GEOLOGY - Preliminary assessment and cataloging of soil types, bedrock areas, slope, and risks (earthquake/landslide)

    • ENVIRONMENTAL - Determination of critical habitat, threatened and endangered species as well as potential for extreme climatic conditions (wind, snow, etc.)

    • UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE - Evaluation of utility transmission and collection systems, potential pipelines and wells, roads and rail, and other utility infrastructure that may conflict with a potential project

    • FAA / NEXRAD / MILITARY CONFLICTS - Screening to determine potential conflicts with flight paths, airports, military training zones and radar, and NEXRAD weather radar

    • FCC REVIEW - Preliminary review of FCC licenses in area to determine potential conflicts with microwave and other transmissions, which can include evaluation of Fresnel zones

    • LOCAL ORDINANCES - Review of state, county, and municipal ordinances pertaining to wind

    • NEARBY PROJECTS - Search for existing and planned nearby wind or other electricity generating stations


  • SETBACK & BUILDABLE AREA - Setback & buildable area maps based on publicly available or proprietary site information and incorporating proposed technology parameters

  • SITE SUITABILITY & EXTREME WEATHER ASSESSMENT - Preliminary site assessment to determine the best technologies suited for geographic and climatic site conditions and preliminary evaluation of energy production potential

  • METEOROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT - Evaluation and validation of measured on-site data, correlation and adjustment to long-term conditions, evaluation of turbulence and shear, adjustment to hub heights for monitoring and input into energy assessments

  • ENERGY ASSESSMENT - Evaluation of on-site wind regime, taking into account long-term conditions locally and regionally to accurately assess energy production and wake losses, induction effect, and other gross-to-net losses, which can include 8760s and 12x24s

  • SITE LAYOUT AND DESIGN - Complex evaluation of meteorological conditions and terrain to optimize production and minimize wake losses

  • UNCERTAINTY ASSESSMENT - Assessment of uncertainty from site suitability to wake modeling

  • CURTAILMENT - Assessment of losses due to curtailment due to utility shutdowns, sound or shadow flicker mitigation, or bird/bat migrations



Please CONTACT us for process workflow and turnaround times—typically 1-2 days—and quotes.

@ KiloNewton

Our goal is to make the renewable energy industry and its participants more successful.

We believe that this will be accomplished by adopting a more holistic view of plant design.

As existing markets for renewables accelerate, new markets continue to emerge and sites get more challenging, an efficient design process and flawless execution will increase in importance.

We believe that educating and empowering the industry to work together will lead to the most revolutionary changes for the betterment of the earth.


We use GIS (geographic information system) tools to overlap and analyze any section of the world you need to understand.

We use industry-leading software such as OpenWind for bankable results.

Our analysis is based on over a decade of industry experience using multiple modeling platforms and techniques.